The British colonial times in Hong Kong left much heritage. As the downtown of Hong Kong, the steep slope of Central is worth a visit, full of stories from the past 180 years.
From the first days of the colony in the 1840s, to the booming era of 1960s and 1970s, Old Town Central always has a story or two to tell you. Who would expect a little British trade outpost in the 19th century would become the legendary city of the Far East, and now the international financial hub of Asia?
Let’s revisit the World Orienteering Day virtual orienteering tour of Old Town Central, brought to you by MetOC and Metrunner.
Heads up: Hong Kong Orienteering Week is coming!
Yes, you heard it right: Hong Kong Orienteering Week is coming for December 2021, as the spectator races of the Asian Junior and Youth Championships (AsJYOC). It’s expected for the Trail Orienteering and Foot Orienteering Championships of Hong Kong to take place in December as well.
If you’re young enough (i.e. 20 years old or younger) to join an Asian national team, or if you’re a national coach, you might want to read the bulletin. Otherwise, stay tuned to ORIEN.ASIA for updated news on Hong Kong orienteering!
Psst—there’s gonna be lots of dense village landscape for the AsJYOC and Orienteering Week. Claustrophobia aside, let’s get ready for lots of exciting sprint orienteering!